At the heart of Light of Christ is a desire to follow, be transformed and be on mission with Jesus.
(Matthew 4:19 – And Jesus said to them, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.)
A disciple knows and follows Jesus. Our lives have been transformed by God’s sacrificial love; Jesus’ life, death and resurrection have changed us forever. He gives us freedom from the past, peace for today and hope for the future. To place your faith in Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior is just the start of an amazing journey of a relationship with our creator that begins a lifetime of following Jesus. At Light of Christ we gather together to celebrate what Jesus has done and grow in our faith. We worship, we pray and we learn from the Bible because it shapes our life with God. A disciple is being changed by Jesus. We’re excited to have you to join us on Sundays, but we want you to know that following Jesus is much more than a weekly event. Jesus shared his everyday life with his followers. They ate together, walked through life together, and faced the good and the bad together. The Bible shows that the earliest churches lived in the same way, meeting in homes as well as bigger gatherings, sharing their lives in practical ways, growing in their faith and being changed and transformed by Jesus.
At Light of Christ we recognize that we’re called to share our lives beyond our Sunday gatherings. One of the reasons we meet in smaller groups during the week is because they’re a great way to share lives, build healthy relationships and grow in our faith.
We eat together, laugh together, and work through the good and the bad together. We can learn from Christians further along on the journey, or share what we’ve learned with others. It’s a safe place to ask questions, and share our story. We can share what we have with someone else who needs it. With Jesus at the center, our life together is life changing.
A disciple is committed to the mission of Jesus
Jesus changed the world. He spoke words of wisdom and power; he healed the sick, loved the outcast, set the oppressed and afflicted free, and then died and rose again to save a broken world. In his last words to his followers, he sent them to do all the things he did and share his message of life and salvation with everyone they met.
So throughout history Christians have gone out of their church buildings to live and share the good news of Jesus’ love with the world around them. They prayed with the sick, loved the lost and the broken and told people that Jesus changes lives. At Light of Christ, we realize that we’ve been sent too. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, every one of us has been sent to share the good news of Jesus Christ; heal the sick and love the lost and the broken. Sometimes that might take us across an ocean to a distant land. Most often we’re sent to our friends and families, our colleagues and our neighborhood. Through our Sunday gatherings, and other initiatives, we exist to play our part in the good news of Jesus Christ in Wisconsin Rapids and our neighboring area.